Art & Craft Preschool 8月
Hello everyone (^▽^)/
We hope that everything was ok for you during this very hot month of August. We also hope that you had a good お盆休み. Did you go somewhere for the occasion? (*⌒▽⌒*)
First of all, for craft, children made fireworks cards. Children glued colorful papers and added stickers on a black paper to represent fireworks that we can see during 祭り in summer. It’s look like 琵琶湖 fireworks, don’t you think so? (*^o^*)✨🎆🎇
For cooking class, children ate Hawaiian shaved ice. It was like かき氷 with vanilla ice cream. For the sirup, children had the choice between strawberry or melon tastes. So yummy😋🍧
This month, Kid’s song was「I love the moutains」♪
We chose this soft song for the Moutain’s day. Thanks to this song, children learned many new words in english like rolling hills, fireside or again daffodils. They loved to sing this soft song very much ♪ (*⌒▽⌒*) 🗻
Finally, we also organized summer school on July 28th and August 1st. On those days, children did activities in link with summer. It was very fun to do (*⌒▽⌒*)🌻🍦